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Osho Mark IkhiduanumhenOsho M. Ikhiduanumhen

1990 - 2023

Share a special moment from Osho's life.

The first time I ever met Osho, was on a Sunday. I was at Mass and he was sitting two pews away from me. When I saw him, I was like what a fine man. After a few minutes, I saw him carrying a baby and immediately thought he was married and again I said to myself “Oh! He’s married, poor me”. That should be in February 2023.
Fast forward to April 7th 2023, twas on a Friday, a GOOD FRIDAY(one which details I can never forget). I came for Divine office hour so I’d be able to go for confession since I couldn’t go during the week because of the nature of my job. After the Divine office prayer, I proceeded to the sacristy to meet Fr for confession. When I got there, I saw Osho again. But Fr couldn’t hear our confession because he had somewhere urgent to go. I was disappointed and I left the church and was trekking to the junction to take Keke home. On my way, a car stopped and I heard someone asking if I was going their way. I turned and it was Osho and again I thought to myself “oh the married man”. So I stopped and I told him it depends and replied even if you’re not going my way, I will go your way and I replied oh nice. So I entered the car, and I told him where I was going and he said thank God that’s my route too. He asked me my name and I told him. Few minutes drive away from church, I suggested we go to St Gabriel for confession if he’s not busy and he agreed. On our way, we started talking and before i knew it, I was laughing and smiling like I have known this man all my life. We got to St Gabriel, we did our confessions and we left. He told me he wanted to get Akara for senior man(his dad) and went ahead to tell me how he liked Akara and I called him Akara Boy. After everything, he insisted on taking me home. When we got to my house, he said he had found a wife, I laughed and told him he was just talking to me for the first time and he replied that he knows what he want when he sees it. The way he said it was so funny and I laughed again and told him I will only marry a man that watches Korean dramas and is willingly to follow me to Korea for vacations. Immediately, he started listing the kdramas he watched. I was stunned and I told him okay you pass the first test. He told me about his cousin that love kdramas too and he called her(That was the first time I spoke to Ekpen). I asked him who introduced him to kdramas and he told me. I went ahead to introduce to him a Twitter space where we pray the rosary every morning at 6am. He was so happy that I pray the rosary everyday and he told me that I’m going to be his mom bestfriend then. We spend more than an hour talking and laughing. We just didn’t want to leave each other. Eventually, I told him I wanted to leave because passion of Christ was starting by 12pm and it was already past 10am. He asked if he could come pick me up to church and I told him I would think about it and we laughed about. He collected my number saying “I will have to call you to come outside your gate when I come to pick you”. Exactly 12pm, my phone rang and it was him. He took me to church and he brought me back. From that Friday till the Sunday before he went to the hospital, he took me to church every Sunday and to weekdays mass on some days even when I moved from my former place to a place quite far from Ugbor, he never stopped taking me to church. 
Osho became my bestfriend. There was no day I and Osho did not see in the 4months I knew him. The only week we did not see was when I went for one anniversary in Abuja. He takes me to work, when ever I have somewhere to go he takes me there. He calls me every 5hrs to check up on me or remind me to watch my kdrama. When ever sees a post on kdramas on Instagram, he immediately forwards it to me. Everybody around me, my friends, colleagues, students and even neighbors knew him. When we started attending mass together, I told him I have a particular place I sit in church that if he wants us to be sitting together, that’s the place we will be sitting. At first, he whined about how he’s talk and wouldn’t want to block people so but he eventually obliged. We spent his birthday last year together and he was so happy. I remember the first time I went to the house. He took me there after mass and he showed me around. And took me to Brun he always bragged about. I was scared of going close to it because it was so huge even know it kept wagging his tail signaling me to touch it.
Osho was thoughtful, sweet, humble and respectful even to the young ones. The only day I saw him really mad about something, I couldn’t stop laughing even though I knew it was serious because of how calm he was about everything. 
I was my happiest self all the time I spent with him but did not know that happiness was going to be short.
I loved how he talked about his family with so much love in his eyes, it was so beautiful and I envied it. Man was everything and more. The last one year has been really hard for me because it seems a part of me left with Osho. I miss him calling me his partner. I have never stopped telling who ever cares to listen about him. He was a Gem to me. At first, I was so mad that God took him because he was everything I prayed for. But he’s God and can’t be questioned. He knows best. He he gives and he take

By Ify Dennis
26 weeks ago
Jan 1, 1970
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