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Create memorial
Create a tribute website for your loved one’s to preserve their memories
Selection of beautiful themes
Customize your tribute website with one of many available themes.
Photo gallery
Import and share photos of your loved one from your PC, mobile device, or Facebook page. Collaborators may also share photos.
10 PhotosUnlimited Unlimited
Share memories
Create biography, share stories, light virtual candles, leave other tributes celebrating the life of a family member or friend who passed away.
Add collaborators
Invite as many family, friends, and colleagues as you would like to collaborate and create the online memorial page together.
Privacy controls
You may choose to keep your memorial website and its content visible only to you or allow everyone to visit and contribute.
Advanced privacy controls
Control who can see your memorial by blocking strangers and inviting only selected guests. Your memorial will not be visible to anyone else.
Video and music galleries
Enhance the memorial website with favorite music and videos of your loved one. You may add media from your PC or mobile device, YouTube, and your Facebook profile.
Background music playlist
Upload your favorite songs and use them as a musical background for the website.
Manage and create donations for the deceased family or charity.
Create and notify website visitors or guest about upcoming events like, Burial, Memorial Gathering, Candle Light procession etc...
Manage guest notifications
Control notifications for your guests. You can choose to notify them of new posts, remind them of special dates, or turn off notifications for more privacy.
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Embrace the beauty of remembrance🌹

Ensure that the light of our loved ones continues to shine brightly through the ages.
Create Memorial

Frequently asked questions

How can I send condolences to the family?

You can send condolences by either Lighting a candle, Sending a flower or Dropping a message on the tribute page of the deceased.

What is FIOH used for?

'FIOH' means "FoverInOurHeart" is a memorial platform that helps the bereaved cope and manage the memorial situation.

How long does it take to create a Memorial Website?

Creating a memorial on ForeverInOurHearts takes just a few minutes. With our easy-to-use site builder, you can effortlessly add and update content whenever you wish. The process is seamless and fully automated, allowing you to continually personalize and expand your memorial site over time.

How can visitors access my memorial website?

Your memorial site on ForeverInOurHearts will have a unique web address featuring your loved one's name, such as Once created, you can easily share this link with family and friends, allowing them to visit the memorial directly. Additionally, the site can be found through our gallery search tool, making it easy for others to locate and honor the memory of your loved one.

What is a memorial website?

A memorial website on ForeverInOurHearts is a dedicated space on the Internet to honor the life and memory of your loved one. Our memorial sites include the following features: A detailed life story section to capture and share the journey of your loved one. A full-featured online gallery for photos, videos, and audio clips that celebrate their life. Personalized designs with a variety of web page templates to choose from. A unique web address, making it easy to access and share your memorial. The ability to collaborate with family and friends, regardless of location, in building the site. A tribute and comments section where loved ones can leave messages, prayers, and expressions of affection. Mailing lists to notify people about updates or significant events, such as anniversaries. Creating and sharing a memorial on ForeverInOurHearts is a meaningful way to keep the memory of your loved one alive.

Why do I need to register on FIOH Website?

User accounts are crucial for enabling key features on ForeverInOurHearts, such as leaving tributes, sharing memories, and allowing administrators to moderate content. They also help protect your memorial by allowing our algorithms to detect and ban spammers, ensuring a safe and secure space for honoring your loved one. Rest assured, your personal information will never be shared or used for any purpose other than what is stated above.

Honor their legacy and preserve their memories!

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