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Maa Grace

Maa Grace oppong BritwumMaa Grace o. Britwum

1940 - 2021

Let the memory of Mrs Maa Grace oppong Britwum be with us forever.
  • 81 years old
  • Born on December 6, 1940 in Mampong, Ashanti, Ghana
  • Passed away on December 15, 2021 in Koforidua, Eastern, Ghana

This website was created in memory of our beloved mother, Mrs. Grace Britwum, 81 years old, born on December 7, 1940, and passed away on December 16, 2021. Maa, you will for ever have a special in our hearts.
Funeral Arrangements Are As Follows
Date:Saturday April 9th 2022
Lying in state and Burial Service 6:00-9:00am;, Assemblies of God Church, Mampong, Ashanti
After the Service the body travels to Ashanti Mampong for Private Burial
Burial : 4:00pm  at Mampong Ashanti Daaman Cemetery

Date: Saturday April 9th 2022
Final Funeral Celebration: 11:00am - 5:00PM @ New Daaman Catholic School opposite MAMTECH

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