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Victoria Aba Kakra AnnanVictoria A. Kakra Annan

1937 - 2017

Let the memory of Mrs Victoria Aba Kakra Annan be with us forever.
  • 80 years old
  • Born on May 12, 1937 in Sekondi, Western, Ghana
  • Passed away on September 5, 2017 in Tamale, Western, Ghana

"If I am living in conformity with the word of God, If I am obeying Him and doing what He tells me step by step every day,then when the time comes to die, I know this is just the next in His will".

Th late Madam Victoria Annan, known by all as Obaapanin Aba Atta Kakra was born in Sekondi on 13th May 1937.  Her parents were the late Nana Kwahin III of Kwahinkrom and Twafohene of Komenda Traditional Area, and the late Obaapanin Ama Narkwah of the Royal Akotsir Ebiradze of Dompoase.  She was the eighth born of her parents.

Obaapanin Aba Atta Kakra did not have  a formal education.  However, she was in later years enrolled in the mass education (now non-formal education) which enabled her to read, especially, the Holy Bible.  She was brought up by her aunties Obaapanin Esi Kwansama and Maame Abena Mansa, both of blessed memory at the Railway Quarters, Takoradi and Kru Town, Sekondi Bakado respectively.

After the death of her father in 1960, her mother brought her to stay at Komenda.  She later worked at the Komenda College of Education Canteen for a few years, then started her own trading business at the defunct Ghana Sugar Estates Limited, Komenda.  Obaapanin Aba Atta Kakra met and got married to Mr Akwasi Agyemang of blessed memory, who was an electrical Installation Technician at the now defunct Ghana Sugar Estate Limited, Komenda.  When her husband retired from active service, she relocated to Juabeng-Ashanti with her husband.

The relocation to Juabeng marked a turning point in Obaapanin Aba Atta Kakra's life.  She engaged in catering services, serving a lot of clients far and near her place of abode.  God blessed her marriage with six childrean but one passed on.

Madam Victoria Annan had unquestionable commitment to her marriage, and ably supported her husband in bringing up the children.  She was frank, honest and affable.  In fact, she demonstrated in words and deeds that she had the welfare of all at heart.  Obaapanin Atta Kakra was born into the Methodist Church but as faith had it, she converted to be a devout member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1999.  As a devout Adventist, she encouraged her children to know and serve their Maker as she used to share her numerous experiences and encounters with the Lord.

Obaa[anin Aba Atta Kakra will forever remain in the memory of the members of the Royal Akotsir Ebiradze family of Dompase as the repository of our cherished history which has brouoght us this far.

On the 2nd of September 2017, Obaapanin Aba Atta Kakra fell sick and died at the Tamale Teaching Hospital on the 6th of September 2017.  May her soul rest in perfect peace. AMEN>

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